Dynamic QR Code VS Static QR Code: Differences, Pros & Cons

QR codes have become essential for businesses to reach customers and share information.

They are everywhere, from billboards to restaurant menus, and can be scanned using a smartphone camera to access information quickly.

However, not all QR codes are created equal.

There are two types of QR codes: dynamic and static.

In this article, we'll explore the differences between dynamic and static QR codes and help you choose the right one for your business needs.

What are Dynamic QR Codes?

Dynamic QR codes are a type of QR code that can be modified easily without requiring a new code to be created.

They are generated using a URL shortening service that allows for the creation of multiple codes that direct to distinct content.

This versatility allows businesses to change the content behind the code at any given moment while the code remains unaltered.

a person scanning the QR code on the system in a hospital

One of the most significant benefits of using dynamic QR codes is that they can provide tracking information, enabling businesses to gather data on how frequently the code has been scanned and where the scans are coming from.

This information can be used to gain insight into how effective a particular campaign or marketing strategy is performing, as well as the overall performance of the QR code.

Overall, dynamic QR codes are a versatile and adaptable tool that can be used to deliver a range of content, including text, images, and videos.

people discussing with facts and rates on a whiteboard

They are perfect for businesses that need to make frequent updates to their content and those that want to track the performance of their campaigns.

By using dynamic QR codes, businesses can provide a more engaging and interactive experience for their customers, ultimately leading to a more significant impact on their bottom line.

What are Static QR Codes?

Static QR codes are created using a specific URL and do not allow for changes to the content once the code is created. The information that is encoded in a static QR code is permanently embedded in the code, and if the content needs to be changed, a new code must be generated.

The Pros and Cons of Dynamic QR Code and Static QR Code

Dynamic QR Codes Pros:

Dynamic QR codes offer several advantages over static QR codes. These benefits include:

Dynamic QR codes can be edited without requiring a new code to be created.
This flexibility is ideal for businesses that frequently update their content, as it eliminates the need to print new codes each time a change is made.
Dynamic QR codes can provide tracking information that allows businesses to monitor how often the code has been scanned and where the scans are coming from.
This data can be used to gain insights into campaign performance and improve marketing strategies.
In addition to tracking information, dynamic QR codes can provide analytics about where the code has been scanned, including the location, time, and device used.
This data can be used to understand customer behavior and preferences, enabling businesses to deliver more personalized and effective marketing campaigns.
Dynamic QR codes offer a range of customization options, including the ability to change the color and design of the code.
This feature can be used to create a more engaging and visually appealing experience for customers, making it more likely that they will scan the code.
Dynamic QR codes can be used to deliver a range of content, including text, images, and videos.
This versatility makes them an ideal tool for businesses that want to provide customers with a more interactive and engaging experience.

Dynamic QR Codes Cons:

While dynamic QR codes offer several advantages, there are also some disadvantages that businesses should be aware of. These include:

Subscription Costs: Businesses may need to subscribe to a QR code service to create and manage dynamic QR codes. This can add an additional cost to the marketing budget, which may not be feasible for all businesses.

Limited Scan Capacity: Depending on the QR code service provider, dynamic QR codes may have a limited scan capacity. This means that if the code is scanned too many times, it may no longer work or redirect to the correct content.

Reliance on Internet Connectivity: Dynamic QR codes require an internet connection to function properly. If the internet connection is slow or unstable, it can lead to slow or inaccurate scanning of the code.

a wireless icon on a purple background of a mobile phone on the yellow background

Security Concerns: Dynamic QR codes are vulnerable to hacking, as the content behind the code can be changed at any time. This means businesses must take appropriate security measures to protect the information being shared through the code.

Technical Expertise: To create and manage dynamic QR codes, businesses may need to have the technical expertise or hire a specialist. This can add an additional cost to the marketing budget and may not be feasible for all businesses.

Static QR Codes Pros:

Static QR codes also have several advantages that make them an attractive option for businesses. Some of these advantages include the following:

No Subscription Required: Unlike dynamic QR codes, static QR codes mostly do not require a subscription to a QR code service. This means that businesses can create and print the code themselves without the need for additional costs.

Offline Scanning: Static QR codes can be scanned without an internet connection. This makes them an ideal tool for businesses that want to provide information to customers in areas with limited connectivity.

a person holding the wireless item

High Information Storage: Static QR codes can store more information than dynamic QR codes. This is because they do not require a URL shortening service, which can limit the amount of information that can be stored in the code.

Easy to Create: Creating a static QR code is a simple process that can be done in a few minutes. This makes them an ideal tool for small businesses and individuals who may not have the resources to create and manage dynamic QR codes.

High Scan Success Rate: Static QR codes have a higher scan success rate compared to dynamic QR codes. This is because they do not rely on an internet connection, which can sometimes result in slow or inaccurate scanning.

Static QR Codes Cons:

Despite the benefits of static QR codes, there are also some disadvantages that businesses should consider before using them in their marketing campaigns. These disadvantages include the following:

No Editing Capabilities: Once a static QR code is created, it cannot be edited. This means that if the information behind the code needs to be changed, a new code must be created and printed.

No Scan Tracking: Static QR codes cannot track the number of scans. This means that businesses will not be able to determine how effective their marketing campaigns are or whether the code is being scanned at all.

No Analytics: Static QR codes do not provide any analytics about where the code has been scanned. This means that businesses will not be able to determine the location of their target audience or how effective their marketing campaigns are in certain areas.

Limited Customization: Static QR codes have limited customization capabilities. This means that businesses may not be able to add a logo or change the design of the code, which can limit their branding opportunities.

Limited Information Storage: While static QR codes can store more information than dynamic QR codes, they still have a limited storage capacity. This means that businesses may be unable to provide all the information they want to share with their customers through a single code.

When to Use Dynamic QR Codes

Dynamic QR codes are an ideal option for businesses that need to change the content behind the code frequently. They offer several benefits that can make them valuable marketing tools in certain situations. Some of these situations include:

Frequent Content Updates: If a business needs to update the information behind the QR code frequently, then dynamic QR codes are the better choice. For example, a restaurant might use a dynamic QR code to update its menu or offer daily specials. This way, customers can scan the code and be directed to the most up-to-date information.

confetti on a crowd of people to celebrate

Event Tickets: Dynamic QR codes are also ideal for event tickets, where the QR code can be used to track attendance. This means that event organizers can scan the code to confirm that a person has entered the event and track the number of attendees.

Marketing Campaigns: If a business is running a marketing campaign that requires multiple codes to be printed, then dynamic QR codes can be a useful tool. They allow businesses to track the performance of each code and adjust their marketing efforts accordingly.

Personalized Content: Dynamic QR codes can also be used to provide personalized content to customers. For example, a business could use a dynamic QR code to direct customers to a customized landing page based on location or previous purchases.

When to Use Static QR Codes

Static QR codes can be an excellent option for businesses with specific information they want to share with customers.

Some situations where static QR codes might be the better choice include:

Directing Customers to a Specific URL: If a business wants to direct customers to a specific website, product page, or social media profile, then a static QR code is a good option. These codes are easy to create and can be printed on any marketing material, such as flyers, business cards, or brochures.

a phone displaying a QR code for individuals for the transaction

Permanent Information: Static QR codes can be ideal for providing permanent information. For example, a business could use a static QR code to provide customers with a link to its warranty information or installation guides. Once the code is created, it does not need to be changed or updated, making it a cost-effective option for businesses.

Business Cards: Static QR codes can also be used on business cards to provide contact information. By scanning the code, customers can easily add the business's contact information to their phone's address book.

Simplified User Experience: Static QR codes offer a simplified user experience for customers. Rather than typing in a URL or searching for a business online, customers can simply scan the code to be directed to the desired content.


Choosing between dynamic and static QR codes can be crucial for businesses looking to integrate QR codes into their marketing campaigns. It's important to consider your business needs and goals before making a decision.

A dynamic QR code may be the best option if you need to change the content behind the code frequently. This is especially true for businesses in industries such as hospitality, retail, or events where the content needs to be frequently updated.

With dynamic QR codes, the content behind the code can be changed without the need to change the code itself. This can save time and money in the long run and also allow for tracking and analytics on how many times the code has been scanned.

On the other hand, if you have a specific piece of information that you want to share with customers, a static QR code may be more appropriate. Static QR codes are great for providing permanent information and can be used on marketing materials.

They can also be used to direct customers to a specific URL, making it easier for customers to find the information they need. However, they cannot be updated or tracked in the same way as dynamic QR codes.

Ultimately, the decision is yours to choose between static QR code vs. dynamic QR code.


Are dynamic QR codes more expensive than static QR codes?

Dynamic QR codes may require a subscription to a QR code service, which can be more expensive than creating a static QR code. However, this depends on the specific service and the number of codes needed.

Can I convert a static QR code to a dynamic QR code?

No, once a static QR code is created, it cannot be converted to a dynamic QR code. You will need to create a new QR code with dynamic capabilities.

How can I tell if a QR code is dynamic or static?

There is no visual difference between a dynamic and a static QR code. You will need to know which type of code you are scanning in order to know what to expect.

Can dynamic QR codes be used offline?

Dynamic QR codes can be scanned offline, but they may require an internet connection to update the content behind the code.

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