How to Use QR Codes for Non-Profits

Discover how QR codes are revolutionizing fundraising for non-profits! In this post, we'll explore the simplicity and effectiveness of QR codes for non-profits in boosting donations.

We'll cover everything from the basics of QR technology to innovative ways non-profits can use these codes to engage donors and streamline giving. Get ready to unlock a new world of fundraising possibilities!

Why Use QR Codes for Non-Profits?

Incorporating QR codes into your non-profit strategy opens up a multitude of possibilities - from providing a seamless and efficient donation method to bringing transparency and gaining trust from donors.

However, to effectively leverage this powerful tool, one must understand its cost and its dos and don'ts.

The Cost of a QR Code

One of the major appeals of 'QR codes for non-profits' is their affordability. QR codes are free to generate and use! Yes, you read that right. Basic QR codes that just hold text or a URL can be created using various free online services.

But if you want to make the most of your QR code, you may want to consider a premium service.

Premium services, like dynamic QR codes, allow you to alter the website linked to the QR Code even after it's printed. This feature allows non-profits to keep the information up-to-date without reprinting and redistributing materials. These codes often come with nominal costs, typically ranging from $5 to $20 monthly, depending on the specific services chosen.
Some QR code generators might offer this service for free. QRCodeDynamic allows you to create 1 dynamic link if you are using a free plan. 

Top 10 Ways to Use QR Codes for Non-profits

Adopting QR codes into your non-profit strategy marks the beginning of a fruitful journey. This small step has the potential to transform your outreach and fundraising methods, bringing about revolutionary changes to your organization.

Below we present a range of creative and effective ways to incorporate QR codes into your non-profit operations:

Here are the top 10 ideas for how non-profits can utilize QR codes to maximize their impact:

  • Brochures and Flyers: Embed a QR code into your brochures and flyers, leading to a donation page, a specific campaign, signup forms, or more detailed information about your cause.
  • Event Tickets: Using QR codes on event tickets can provide attendees with additional details about the event, such as the schedule, venue layout, or links to related content or campaigns.
  • Direct Mail Campaigns: Use QR codes in your direct mail campaigns to direct the recipients to your organization's donation page, eliminating the need to painstakingly copy a URL.
  • Business Cards: Make your business cards interactive by adding a QR code that leads to your non-profit's website, a particular project, or your LinkedIn profile to stay connected.
  • Merchandise: If you sell merchandise as part of your fundraising strategy, consider adding a QR code. It can lead to the impact stories your donors are helping to create, making the merchandise more meaningful.
  • Thank You Notes: Include a QR code in your thank you notes leading donors to a video or letter expressing gratitude. It adds a personal touch and strengthens your relationship with donors.
  • Outdoor Ads: Maximize your outdoor advertisement by incorporating QR codes. Anyone interested in your ad can easily scan the code to learn more or donate.
  • Volunteer Registration: Speed up the volunteer registration process by linking a QR code to the registration form. It will also increase the number of signups by simplifying the registration process.
  • Corporate Sponsorships: QR codes on corporate sponsor ads could lead to a special page detailing the benefits and impacts of their sponsorship.
  • Non-profit Reports: Adding QR codes to your annual reports can provide donors with supplementary information or dynamic content such as videos, infographics, or a message from the CEO.

How to Use QR Codes for Donations and Fundraising

QR codes have simplified the process of donating, enabling non-profits to raise funds more efficiently.

By scanning the QR code, donors can swiftly access the donation page without manually typing long URLs.

Here's how you can leverage the 'QR code for donations' method:

  • Static Donation Amount: Link the QR code to a donation page where a fixed amount is set for donation. Quick, simple, and great for events where you want to set a standard donation amount.
  • Choice of Donation Amount: If you want to give your donors the freedom to choose the amount they wish to donate, the QR code can lead to a donation form where they can fill in their desired amount.
  • Monthly Recurring Donations: Many donors prefer making small regular donations rather than a lump sum. Use your QR code to lead donors to a page where they can set up recurring monthly donations.
  • 'Paypal donation QR code': To facilitate donation through PayPal, simply set up your QR code to lead to a donation page. This offers a trusted platform for the transaction and a well-known and widely-used method for donations.

Benefits of QR Codes for Non-profits

Non-profits face unique challenges, especially in fundraising and building trust with donors. QR codes are revolutionizing these aspects, offering an array of benefits:

  • Effortless Fundraising: With QR codes, say goodbye to complex donation processes. A simple scan leads donors directly to your donation page, streamlining the experience and encouraging more contributions. QR codes can also link to diverse payment options, including popular ones like PayPal, making giving easier than ever.
  • Broad Reach: QR codes can be embedded anywhere, from print materials to digital platforms, expanding your reach. This heightened visibility translates into increased donations.
  • Resource Saver: Traditional fundraising methods are often resource-intensive. QR codes, on the other hand, are simple to create and distribute, saving time and resources while boosting effectiveness.
  • Engaging Storytelling: Your non-profit's story is vital. QR codes bring these stories to life, linking to interactive content like videos or photo galleries that create an emotional connection with your audience. This can inspire more support for your cause.
  • Dynamic Updates: Keep your donors informed and engaged with real-time updates. Dynamic QR codes can be updated to show the latest progress in your projects, maintaining donor interest and encouraging ongoing support.
  • Transparency and Trust: QR codes can lead donors to detailed explanations of how funds are used, boosting transparency and trust. They can also provide access to your organization's legal compliance documents, enhancing credibility.
  • Open Communication: Use QR codes to link to feedback forms or contact pages, promoting open communication with donors and demonstrating your organization’s commitment to their input.

Incorporating QR codes in your non-profit strategy can revolutionize how you fundraise, tell your story, and build trust, leading to greater impact and success.

How to Create a QR Code for Non-Profits

Implementing QR codes into your non-profit organization strategy is all too simple, making it an ideal tool for accommodating even the busiest schedules.

However, the key to maximized results lies in the selection of a suitable QR code generator, understanding the types of QR codes and how they can best serve your cause, and capitalizing on the potential of dynamic QR codes for a greater philanthropic impact.

Let's delve into these intricacies:

Choosing the Best QR Code Generator for Non-profits

Your journey to leveraging the diverse applications of QR codes begins with choosing the right QR code generator. There are several online QR code generators available, with varying features available at different price ranges.

However, for non-profits, it is essential to consider the factors of cost-efficiency and suitability to your cause while making this choice.

Here are some considerations:

  • Cost: As a non-profit, keeping operational costs low is crucial. Look for QR code generators that offer basic capabilities for free. Many platforms also offer non-profit discounts for premium features, so definitely inquire about that.
  • Customization Ability: Look for generators that offer customization options. Being able to match the QR code with your brand colors or logo increases recognition and trust.
  • Range of Functionality: Consider your specific needs and ensure your chosen platform meets them. For example, if you want your QR codes for a range of uses like redirecting to a video, collecting charity, or leading to your social media page, choose a platform that provides these capabilities.
  • Ease of Use: Ease of use ensures everyone in your team can generate and manage QR codes without difficulty. An intuitive and user-friendly platform would be an excellent place to start.
  • Dynamic QR Code Capabilities: Dynamic QR codes are more beneficial to non-profits than their static counterparts. Therefore, ensure that your chosen platform supports the creation of dynamic QR codes.
  • Analytical Features: These help you track the success of your campaigns and understand the preferences and behaviors of your donors.

Creating Dynamic QR Codes for Greater Impact

Dynamic QR codes offer significant benefits over static QR codes for non-profits. Understanding how to create and deploy dynamic QR codes is essential.

Here is a step-by-step guide to creating your first dynamic QR code:

  • Choose a QR Code Generator: Select a QR code generator offering dynamic QR code capabilities. You can use QRCodeDynamic if you are looking for a dynamic QR code generator.
  • Select URL option: Choose the QR code type Once you're on the platform. For dynamic QR codes, select the 'URL' option.
  • Enter Your URL: Enter the URL you want your QR code to redirect. Remember, you can change it later without altering the QR code itself.
  • Choose PayPal for Donations: You can choose a PayPal QR code type to collect donations as well.
  • Customize Your Design: You can customize the look of your QR codes quickly. Add colors that align with your brand or your logo to make it more recognizable.
  • Test It: Always test your QR code with different devices to ensure it redirects correctly.
  • Download & Distribute: Once tested, download your code. The file should be in a high-resolution format like SVG or PNG to ensure good print quality. Now you're ready to distribute it on your marketing materials and boost your fundraising efforts!

By wisely creating and managing dynamic QR codes, you'll be able to keep your donors engaged with the most recent and relevant information, enhancing their experience and your donation inflow.

Ultimately, creating a successful QR code campaign is as much about strategy and analysis as it is about donors and their donations.

Strategy and Tracking QR Codes for Non-profits

One of the major advantages of using QR codes in your non-profit communications strategy is the ability to track and manage them in real-time.

The key lies in knowing how to manage your QR codes, use data for impact, and proactively expand your reach and network.

How to Manage and Track Your QR Codes

The digital nature of QR codes makes them easy to manage and track. Once generated, these codes can be deployed across various marketing materials, and the performance can be tracked in real-time using the QR code generator's tracking system.

Here is how you can go about it:

  • Use Dynamic QR Codes: Dynamic QR codes allow the tracking of various data points like the number of scans, location of scans, time of scans, and the type of device used. This is not possible with static QR codes. So, always use dynamic codes for your campaigns.
  • Monitor Regularly: Regular monitoring helps you monitor the performance of your QR code campaigns. Most QR code generators have a real-time dashboard where you can track the performance.
  • Analyze Performance: Understand what the data is telling you. Look for trends and patterns. Do certain types of campaigns generate more scans? Do certain locations respond better to the 'QR code for donations' method? Use this data to guide your campaign strategies.
  • Update QR Codes: One of the perks of using dynamic QR codes is the ability to update the destination URLs without changing the code itself. If a particular campaign is over or if you find a campaign is not performing as expected, you can promptly update the content.

Using Data and Analytics for Impact

The ultimate test of your 'QR code for non-profits' campaign lies in the impact it creates. Here is how you can leverage data and analytics to get the maximum impact:

  • Measure Success: The data from your QR code scans tell a story about the success of your campaigns. More scans usually indicate a more successful campaign. Pay attention to the data and take note of what's working and what's not.
  • Understand Donor Behavior: The scan data can also provide insights into your donors' behaviors. What time do they usually scan? Which location has the most scans? This helps you understand your donors better and customize your campaigns accordingly.
  • ROI Calculation: Using the tracking data, you can calculate the Return on Investment (ROI) for your campaigns. For example, if you use a 'PayPal donation qr code' in a particular campaign, you can calculate the donations received through the QR code and compare it to the cost of the campaign.
  • Optimize Future Campaigns: The data from previous campaigns can help you strategize for future ones. If a campaign does well, you can study and replicate what worked. If a campaign fails, you can analyze and avoid what went wrong.

Expanding Reach and Network Proactively

QR codes offer a simple and efficient way for non-profits to expand their reach and network.

Here are a few ways you can accomplish that:

  • Collaborate with Businesses: Partner with local businesses to display your 'QR code for donations in their stores. This promotes your cause within the local community and expands your reach.
  • QR Code on Social Media: Promote your QR codes on your social media handles. Encourage your followers to share them along with their networks.
  • Mobile-Friendly Website: Ensure your website is mobile-friendly, as most of your donors will scan the QR code with their mobile devices. A mobile-friendly website offers a seamless user experience, thus encouraging more scans and shares.
  • QR Codes in Email Signatures: Adding a QR code to your non-profit's workers' email signatures is another great way to passively promote your cause. Anyone interacting with your organization via email can easily scan the QR code to donate or learn more about your ongoing projects.

In Conclusion

Embracing QR codes is key for non-profits seeking innovation in fundraising. As we've explored, these codes are more than just a digital convenience; they're a gateway to efficient, impactful donor engagement.

QR codes offer a seamless donation experience, build trust through transparency, and bring stories to life, enhancing the connection between non-profits and supporters.

Remember, the power of QR codes extends beyond creation; tracking their performance unlocks insights for even more compelling campaigns.


How do I get a QR code for my non-profit?

Getting a QR code for your non-profit is not as complex as it may appear. As previously explained, the process is simple and can be enacted in a few easy steps:

  • Step 1: Choose a suitable QR code generator. There are a variety of them available online, some for free and others at a cost. Examples include QR Code Monkey, GoQR, and QR Stuff, among others.
  • Step 2: Select the 'URL' option in the generator and input the link you would like your QR code to direct to.
  • Step 3: Customize your QR code to match your non-profit's brand. Many generators offer you the chance to change the color and even insert your logo.
  • Step 4: Test your QR code using a QR scanner to ensure it directs to the intended URL.
  • Step 5: Download the QR code in a high-resolution format and incorporate it into your marketing materials.

Remember to monitor the QR code regularly to ensure it functions correctly and serves its purpose effectively.

Can a QR code be used for donations?

Absolutely! QR codes are an incredibly effective way to facilitate donations. Scanning a QR code with their smartphone allows a potential donor to be taken directly to your donation page. This saves them the time and trouble of typing in a URL and navigating your website. It simplifies the process, thereby encouraging more people to donate.

Whether your QR Code redirects donors to a webpage with a donation form, a crowdfunding platform, or even a mobile wallet address, the process is seamless, swift, and convenient for them, often resulting in higher conversion rates. However, you must ensure your donation page is mobile-optimized to provide a smooth experience for your donors.

What is a QR code for a charitable trust?

A QR code for a charitable trust is a quick and easy way to send potential donors to a page that will allow them to contribute to a cause. These QR codes can be printed on any published material - flyers, posters, direct mail, or event invites- making them incredibly flexible and convenient.

These QR codes could direct a potential donor to a landing page about the Trust's mission, successes, and impact, to an interactive page with compelling narratives and achievements, or directly to a donation form to contribute to the cause.

QR codes are a transformative tool for charitable trusts, opening doors to increased engagement, higher visibility, and improved donation collections.

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